Wednesday, December 30, 2009


A couple of weeks ago  i WON a tournament!, but i tried not to let that get to my head! i  learned alot about my attitude and strategie! in the first set i won 6-0 and then of course i let it get to my head and i got to over excited! i took for granted my win in the first set. i didnt really care about if i accidently gave away a point because i was up, but wen it came down where she was up set point i got tight and tense. i started nicking my racket and over exadgerating my misses and frustration. so ya we split sets, and i split sets to someone i shouldnt because i lost my focus and determanation to win! wen u split sets u r allowed to take a break and like talk to ur coach and stuf. i came up to my dad crying (hes my coach) he told me to chillax and just have fun hitting the ball. the last thing he told me before i went out on the court  he said it doesent matter wat the score is just have fun hitting the bal!one of my problems wen i play in tournaments i get real tight and dont relax! that tip really helped me come back and win!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Tennis is a game where you have to be independent.There is a sang "champions are made when no ones watching" that means that if u really have the passion for the game then u would go out by urself to practice independently. If u want to be good u have to practice. This blog is all about how to practice, how u hit the ball, techniques, stratigies, and much much more!!!